
A Super Review! A Beloved Series Reborn!?

A Super Review! A Beloved Series Reborn!?

Growing up with the Funimation dub of Dragonball Z on Cartoon Network, I had always wanted to see the series continue past the end of Z. Having watched both Dragonball: Battle of Gods and Dragonball: Resurrection F in movie theaters, I got what I wanted but I wanted more. Rumors were circulating about Dragonball’s return to television in the form of a new series, so I checked religiously for such news until Dragonball Super was finally announced.

Even though it may have been off to a rocky start with questionable animation and two story arcs that just covered the recent films, I would make it a Sunday tradition to watch the subtitled version shortly after each episode aired in Japan. This was before official subs were made available through Crunchyroll and not exactly legal, but I couldn’t wait for the dubbed version to arrive. Now that the series is over, for now at least, I’d like to reflect on what I loved and hated about the show.

This article may contain spoilers, so please proceed with caution!
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Unexpected Metal on Netflix

Unexpected Metal on Netflix

Netflix can be a very hit or mix platform, especially when it comes to Netflix Originals. From Sci-Fi schlock that borrows a popular franchise name for a quick cash-in like The Cloverfield Paradox to the charming and thrilling adventures of the Robinsons family in Lost in Space, you never really know what you’re going to get when you settle in to Netflix and chill. However, I think it’s worth it to sift through the bad because you might just find something great buried within the shit pile.
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Posted by Pedigree in Anime, 1 comment