
Unexpected Metal on Netflix

Unexpected Metal on Netflix

Netflix can be a very hit or mix platform, especially when it comes to Netflix Originals. From Sci-Fi schlock that borrows a popular franchise name for a quick cash-in like The Cloverfield Paradox to the charming and thrilling adventures of the Robinsons family in Lost in Space, you never really know what you’re going to get when you settle in to Netflix and chill. However, I think it’s worth it to sift through the bad because you might just find something great buried within the shit pile.
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Posted by Pedigree in Anime, 1 comment
A Big Little Vacation to Reno, Nevada

A Big Little Vacation to Reno, Nevada

Here is a little write-up about my vacation in May!

As we traveled through the wastelands of Fallout New Vegas to return to our home in Las Vegas, I found myself reflecting upon our road trip to Biggest Little Fur Con in Reno, Nevada.
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Posted by Pedigree in Life, 0 comments